Thursday, February 2, 2012

3rd Day is a Charm...

So I made it through day two...decided not to add protein powder because the idea is to cleanse the body of all the junk and I've got plenty of junk to if I did add the protien powder I'd always wonder what would have happened if I hadn't. The hunger went away eventually...I drank a ton of water yesterday and that seemed to help. This morning I stepped on the scales and the most amazing thing has happened...I'VE LOST 5 POUNDS!!!! Very excited about that!!!!

This is what my breakfast looked like before. This morning I'm having carrot, celery, pineapple juice.

And this is after it's all blended up. I have to say it's very yummy! And as you can see, if you are a person who's on the go...or like me slow starting in the can buy fruits and veggies that are already cut up to make things quicker and more convenient.

Oh, also I wanted to clarify something. I'm not using a juicer. My juicer is messed up. I'm using a blender, and I've discovered I like it much better. The clean up is easier and I feel like I'm getting more of the fiber from my fruits and veggies, plus I like the texture of my's more pulpy and more filling.


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