Sunday, November 29, 2009

"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love."

I would love nothing more this Christmas than to see the people in my little world get caught up in this conspiracy of love. I've decided that in this spirit I'm going to do my own little version of "pay it forward". How wonderful a world would it be if everyone tried to be more kind, more considerate, more sincencere? I challenge you to incorporate this "pay it forward" process into your life and see where it takes you.

Also, I have found the most amazing international aid organization, it's called Wine to Water. Check this site out.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Comedy and Tragedy...also known as my attempt at taking Pictures of B&B

Thanksgiving Day I once again attempted to take pictures of the kids....and I am here to tell you it was yet another failed attempt. Why oh why can they not both smile and look "normal" at the same time? I have become obsessed with a free photo editing program called Picasa. I am dying to edit some amazing pictures! Instead, I get own live version of Comedy and Tragedy.