I recently watched a documentary called "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" and it really has me thinking about making some changes. I already work out, which we all know is good for us. I don't eat much red meat or fast food...I also don't get nearly enough fruits and veggies. This man, Joe Cross gave up food for sixty days. 60 DAYS PEOPLE!!!!!!!! Instead of eating food he drank juices that he juiced himself from fruits and veggies. He lost weight and was able to get off of all sorts of medicine...he basically rebooting his body. He also started a juicing FRENZY!!!! All sorts of people are posting about their experiences...it's amazing and inspiring. Hmmmmmm....I'm down. Not sure that I can commit to sixty days...but starting today, I am commiting to ten. Ten seems like an exceptionally long time to me at the moment. Of course Friday is my daughter's birthday party...and I will most likely eat a piece of birthday cake which is my WEAKNESS!!!! Other than that, juice and water it is for ten days. Anyone wanna join me?
Here's my breakfast, strawberry, apple, orange juice...
It's pretty deelish.